You’ve worked really hard building your dream business
and it’s growing.
But what you may not know is that instead of sitting on a goldmine, you may be stepping on a landmine.
In fact, as you grow, you’ll find HR landmines everywhere.
Human Resources! Who knew that you would be spending more and more of your time struggling with the day-to-day management of people.
You’re a business owner, not an HR expert.
If you’re not aware of the latest laws and guidelines, something like this nightmare could happen to you:
A letter arrives in your mail from the EEOC. What’s this?
You’re being sued for pregnancy discrimination by Sonja. She was a great employee. So when the doctor said she needed to be on bed rest, you wanted to help her (financially) through that period. Since your company didn't offer disability, you proposed terminating her so she could file for unemployment during the 8-months of bed rest; and rehiring her after the baby was born.
You were looking after Sonja.
Now, she’s filed a complaint against you.
“All I did was help my pregnant employee and she’s trying to sue us?” you thought…
Even though Sonja agreed with the idea, in the beginning, someone obviously recommended she talk to the EEOC.
And the EEOC uncovered an issue.
After months of back and forth with Sonja and the EEOC, she was awarded $5,000 for wrongful termination. And you had to put her back on the payroll.
Your good deed turned into a nightmare situation. Why? You didn’t know you were violating any rules.
But you would’ve known if you had HR Support.
Here’s the thing: Not knowing is no defense. You can still be fined and sometimes fined big money.
Sonja is just one example.
There are MANY, MANY landmines waiting to blow up your entire business.
Listen, you are not alone!
There are thousands of small business owners who just don’t know what they don’t know.
When I talk to these unsuspecting entrepreneurs about HR compliance, they are baffled. And when we dig a little deeper into why they need HR support, I explain it like this:
Do you have liability insurance?
How about insurance for your car?
And you wouldn’t think risking your family's security without health insurance, right?
HR Support is your insurance policy for the "what-if" situations that happen in daily business.
HR protects you and your business.
But having an HR person on staff is so expensive, right?
As a small but growing business, you can’t afford a full-time HR person yet, so the employee management falls to you.
And frankly, you’re not qualified.
Reaching out to an HR Expert ONLY when you need one would be awesome, right?
You get the assurance and the "insurance" that comes from having an HR consultant available to reach out to.
Your role is to make money for the company, protect it, and protect your employees.
Here's a preview of the main tool that keeps organizations compliant while saving them time and money...
"Do It Yourself" HR Support Portal
Only $150 per month
- HR Guides & Resources
- Unlimited Email Support
- Employee Handbook Builder
- Policy Library & Law Alerts
- Job Description Library
- Document Customization
- Salary Comparison Tool
- HR Forms, Documents & Templates
Best Value!!
"Do It Yourself" HR Support Portal
Only $1497 per year
- HR Guides & Resources
- Unlimited Email Support
- Employee Handbook Builder
- Policy Library & Law Alerts
- Job Description Library
- Document Customization
- Salary Comparison Tool
- HR Forms, Documents & Templates
672 Old Mill Road Suite #178
Millersville, MD 21108
Telephone: 443-290-8820